Tuesday, 5 June 2012

GTA REALTORS(R) Report Monthly Resale Housing Market Figures for the month of May 2012

Report Highlights - 

New listings were up substantially on a year-over-year basis in May – rising by more than 20 per cent to 19,177. The average price for May 2012 sales was $516,787, representing an annual increase of 6.5 per cent compared to $485,362 in May 2011. Price growth continued to be driven by the low-rise market segment.

"Strong competition between buyers seeking to purchase low-rise home types drove strong price growth in May. However, if new listings continue to grow at the pace they did in May for the remainder of 2012, the annual rate of price growth should begin to moderate on a sustained basis," said Jason Mercer, TREB's Senior Manager of Market Analysis.

Check the Average Sell to List ration and average DOM(Day on market) for your region.

The Bank of Canada left the overnight rate unchanged at 1 per cent

The Bank of Canada left the overnight rate unchanged at 1 per cent Tuesday, in the process suggesting a hike may not come anytime soon.

With specific reference to a weakened global economy, the bank review argues "risks remain skewed to the downside," although the national outlook remains largely unchanged from earlier largely positive projections.

It also stepped back from its warnings about household debt levels and the urgent need to bring that under control.

That move in particular lends weight to the idea that the bank will hold off on any rise in its key overnight rate, say analysts, suggesting the central bank may delay until sometime next year.

Still, some mortgage brokers are concerned the absence of any rate tightening will strengthen demands from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions for substantive changes to lender underwriting guidelines.

Those exhaustive proposals promise to hold banks more accountable for their lending decisions, but also threaten, charge some analysts, to compromise homeownership for many current borrowers.

Those changes are expected to be released later this month.

Best regards,
Ritesh Joshi
Your Next Door Realtor

Monday, 4 June 2012


So you are RENTING eh ? what did you say ? NO ! then why waste time ?  oh ...ya ya you are right..nothing wrong knowing...just in case your friend is renting and you would like advise him or her to move in to their own condo or house.

Just check out how much money sometime we waste just paying someone else's mortgage. Oh ya..no one owns whole apartment my friend...they have mortgage so you are paying rent to pay off their mortgage.

Just so some courage to save some money and collect down payment of 5 % and give a call to Ritesh The REALTOR @ 647-281-3424..I will make sure to put you in your own dream condo or a nice little house and so you how can you build equity and make more money out of HOT Real Estate market of CANADA.

Is one more mortgage war on horizon ?

Are you in in process of buying your first home in Canada ? and looking for house ? and a low mortgage rate ? 
I am having so many houses for you in GTA and mortgage experts working for me.
Again the mortgage war is about to begin, so if you are planning to buy house don't miss upcoming opportunity and get lowest rates ever in the history of Canada. 
You must be thinking based on what I am predicting this.

Read this article from Financial Post and if you are following the world market I don't need to tell you that the world is  on the verge of another recession. However Canada is in far better position to tackle difficult financial situation. Thanks to all the hardworking people who is keep on paying money to banks. 
Click link below to read 

Do you know ? How many types of homes are there ?

To name a few

Condo Apratments 
Condo Townhomes
Freehold Townhomes
Semi detach Homes
Detach Homes 

Do you know ? How big is GTA(Greater Toronto Area) ?
All areas of GTA 
Durham region

Best regards,
Ritesh JoshiYour Next Door Realtor