Friday, 18 January 2013

Free Equifax Credit Report Form

Hi Everyone,
I'm sure by now all of you would have settled down in the New Year and looking forward to achieving your goals for 2013. 

As a professional Mortgage Agent I always advise my clients that no matter if you are in the market for purchasing your house or your renewal is coming up or you would like to consolidate your debts, the most important thing to watch out is your Credit History. 

There are way too many id frauds happening  now and  people are taking money from other people's bank account and credit cards.
Please make a habit to check your credit report (FREE) once a year. Fill this form and mail to Equifax with a copy of your id to get free report.

Thanks for taking the time to review the email and attachment.
Mihir Oza
Mortgage Agent (License # M11000672)
The Mortgage Practice
My Motto: Right Advice. First Time, Every Time.