Friday, 27 July 2012
What is RADON gas ? Where RADON is coming from ?
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Who owns trees and who pay if they fall
First question
Who owns the tree?
- A tree whose trunk is on the boundary between properties belongs to both property owners, according to the Forestry Act of Ontario.
When you can trim them ?
- The owner can trim branches on their side of the property.
- If the tree on your neighbour’s land, but roots and branches extend onto your property, you have the right to trim them, so long as it does not do any harm to the tree.
What of a tree is dying ?
- If you think a tree is dying and you get a report from a certified arborist, you can remove the tree from your yard, in most cases without a permit. Still, you need to send in a copy of the arborist’s report to the City before taking down the tree.
If a tree falls
If a tree falls and damages your property, it will largely depend on whether the tree was healthy or whether you had warned your neighbour to remove the tree because it was dying.
Case law has determined that if the tree was healthy, then you cannot sue your neighbor for damages. It becomes a matter between you and your insurance company, although in my experience, many policies do not cover this type of damage. However, there is also case law that if you had warned your neighbor to take down the tree because it was dying, they did nothing and then damage occurred, you can successfully claim for your losses.
Protected trees
Most trees within 15 feet of the road are typically owned by the City, so you can’t cut any of the branches or remove the tree yourself. If you are worried that the branches may damage wires from the hydro poles, contact the City. They’ll come and trim the branches or remove the tree.
There are also rules against trimming or cutting down a heritage tree. You can find a listing of heritage trees
Sunday, 22 July 2012
No Rate Change Again..What You Expect ?
The Bank of Canada announced on July 17th, that it is keeping its key policy rate steady, which means no changes for variable rate mortgage holders; the prime rate for most lenders should stay at 3%.
The Bank's statement noted that "global financial conditions have deteriorated since April, with periods of considerable volatility" and that "global headwinds are restraining Canadian economic activity."
They continue to mention that future rate hikes may be necessary by cautioning that "some modest withdrawal of the present considerable monetary policy stimulus may become appropriate, consistent with achieving the 2 per cent inflation target."
The Bank's next rate decision is scheduled for September 5.
If you are considering a fixed-rate mortgage, the great Canadian mortgage sale continues this summer, with historically low 5 and 10-year fixed rates. Take advantage.
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