Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Can you ride your bike on a Side Walk ?

Recently me and my friend who does a lot of cycling, were discussing, where can we ride a bicycle. 

I had impression that we can ride a bike on a side walk. He informed me that as per the by-law in most of cities in GTA, you can't ride a bike on side-walk. So I thought so many people like me don't know. 

Where is it Legal to Bike?

Trying to understand where you’re legally allowed to ride a bike?
Rules can vary from place to place.

Places where you CAN bike

 On the roads

 On the multi-use trails

Places where you CAN’T bike

X On the sidewalks

  • According to City of Mississauga and City of Brampton by-laws, bikes with wheels greater than 50 cm (20 inches) in diameter are NOT permitted on city sidewalks unless:
    • The sidewalk is part of a bicycle path, or
    • The rider is directly crossing a sidewalk
  • Most children's bikes have wheels small enough to be allowed to cycle on sidewalks.

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