Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Carbon Monoxide Detector is Mandatory in Ontario

On Nov 27th 2013 the Ontario government has unanimously passed the Hawkins-Gignac Act into law, making carbon monoxide alarms mandatory in all Ontario homes with fuel-burning appliances or heating systems, fireplaces, or attached garages. 

Carbon monoxide is called the "silent killer" because you can't see, smell or taste it. And it is deadly! Carbon monoxide is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in North America. Each year it proves fatal for hundreds of Canadians, and, makes more than one thousand Canadians sick with varying flu-like symptoms.

Now, whether your home is new construction or old, the mandatory requirement for CO protection is the same,"

Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless and tasteless. The ONLY way it can be detected is
with a CSA-approved CO alarm, so install a CO alarm and get some peace of mind.

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